Rob has a PhD in biological science and and decades of experience in the woods, on trail and in camp. He has an extensive knowledge of the Olympic and Cascade Ecosystem. He also has training in safety, including NOLS Wilderness First Aid and is a permitted fishing guide in the areas we outfit. When not guiding the wilderness, Rob works in higher education as a professor of biology.
Our wranglers and have at least a decade of experience handling llamas. are Red Cross CPR and first aid certified, and have Wilderness Survival and Food Handling certification. Wranglers provide assistance to clients, guides and llamas alike.
Generally four to seven of our purpose bread ccara pack llamas accompany the trip. All our llamas are hard working and level headed females who enjoy hiking the wilderness and taking it all in. Llamas have unique personalities (just like humans), some bios can be found below.
'Iska' is big, confident social lleader and keeps everyone in harmony. She often "hums' while hiking. Her spotted best friend, "BB"'s brainyness and work ethic, and very rare genetics make the only one we have bred.
'Dom' always has her eye out for surprises and has most powerful set of legs on the team. Her BFF, 'Yala' is smaller but very athletic, agreeable and good natured. 'Yala also loves eating apples and watermelon skins. She has perfected grazing while reclined.
Spunky and very confident Ruthie and Observant Doris are the little sisters of Dom and Leeta. Although shown as 6 month olds here, they are now trail seasoned pros with hundreds of trail miles to their credit. ,
On right a great lead packer and mother and grandmother. Likes to walk fast Behind her is her daughter, another pro (Lola) who sometimes joins us and how is Kushi's mom
A very solid pack llama who blends pack llama and show llama ancestry. She a looker an likes to hum on trail.
Turbo's grandaughter and Beauty's daughter. Learning enjoying being 'kids' but carefully watching their elders and learning.